Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a word from the wise on photographing dogs...

What a process this photo was!  The assignment?  Self-portrait.  The challenge?  Incorporating my dog in a non-cliqué way while revealing parts of my personality.  The lesson?  Always use treats when photographing dogs…just make sure they’re hidden!  In this photo, I’m holding one inside the book. Sneaky… 


  1. That's hilarious! Did he/she learn anything? lol

  2. Love it! And your dog is so beautiful. Did you know there is a dog in one of the departments in the new Elmwood Commons? I discovered this from my internship supervisor. She said it was adorable and I want to meet it! And we might run a story about it for UW Oshkosh Today. Are you interested in taking the picture? :)
